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Monday, March 03, 2025

Error Code : E108-4 Currently unable to view this channel.


An authentication failure occurred during ECM submission by SoftCell to the Smart Card.


✓ If the decoder is properly connected to the satellite signal, the smartcard is expected to update patch levels to the latest one. The smartcard should be on the latest patch level.

Error Code : Error: E04-4 - Please insert smartcard


SC Marriage - The smartcard is not inserted into the decoder smartcard slot


✓ Insert the correct / valid smartcard in the decoder smartcard slot.

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Error Code : Error: E05-4 - Unknown smartcard


Smartcard not valid - re-insert a valid smartcard


✓ Insert a valid smartcard in the decoder smartcard slot

Error Code : E06-4: Smartcard failure


Communication with smartcard failed - smartcard or the smartcard reader could be damage


✓ Please check if the smartcard is not damaged and gently re-insert smartcard.

✓ Reset/Flash erase the decoder, without the smartcard in the decoder. Once the E04 message

appears to insert the smartcard

Error Code : E16-4: Service is currently scrambled / Services inactive


This message indicates that there is no product in the smartcard to enable that service or service to be viewed


✓ Please send a suitable product (e.g. E16 digital reset or re-auth) to enable the service to be viewed.

Error Code : E17-13 Service is currently scrambled [SC Marriage]


The viewer is not entitled to watch this service because the Smart Card is rejected by the Smart Card Marriage function


✓ Identify if this is a new installation or if the smartcard was in a different decoder,

✓ also check if the card and decoder belong to the same owner.

Error Code : E18-4 This channel is not available in this location


The viewer is not entitled to watch this service due to a product blackout filter imposed by the Headend


✓ This message is expected to display in case when the keys in the smartcard and the decoder do not match and it could be because the keys are outdated.

✓ Please confirm that the decoder and smartcard are eligible.

Error Code : E19-4 The subscription to this channel has expired.


The viewer is not entitled to watch this service because the product entitlement on the Smart Card has expired


✓ The customer is unable to watch the channels because the product entitlement has expired.

It could be because the smartcard has been inactive or not connected to the satellite signal

for a long period of time.

✓ The decoder and smartcard need to be connected to the satellite signal. Alternatively, if it

does not resolve, a re-auth needs to be sent to the smartcard.

Error Code : E30-4 Currently unable to view this channel.


An authentication failure occurred during ECM submission by Soft Cell to the Smart Card. This is due to a key mismatch between the play out and the Smart Card

If the problem persists call he service helpline for assistance


✓ This error message is expected to display when a decoder with an active smartcard (i.e. smartcard with active products) has not been receiving required keys (referred to as control word) from satellite signal. Try establishing if the decoder is faulty or if the smartcard is faulty

Possible Root Cause E30-4

Decoder not receiving power from the mains for a while (could be due power failure in the area or decoder disconnected from the mains

Possible Solution & Suggestions E30-4

This is an expected behavior and decoder is expected to recover from this state if left connected to satellite signal for about 2 minutes or so (and of course, assuming there is power supplied to that decoder)

Possible Root Cause E30-4

Decoder not getting power from the mains for an extended period (could be due to power failure in the area or power cable removed)

Possible Solution & Suggestions E30-4

Once power is restored, leave the decoder connected for some time until E30-4 is cleared, once the keys are updated. If E30-4 is not clearing automatically then contact the Call Centre for assistance

Possible Root Cause  E30-4

Satellite signal cable (s) not properly connected to the decoder for an extended period (including loose connectors or damaged cables or marginal installation)

Possible Solution & Suggestions E30-4

Ensure the signal cables are properly connected to the tuners and that there are no loose connections or damaged connectors. Also get an installer to check for LNB skew or dish alignment

Possible Root Cause  E30-4

Signal loss for an extended period because of rain

Possible Solution & Suggestions E30-4

Once signal is restored, leave the decoder connected for some time until E30-4 is cleared once the keys are updated. If E30-4 is not cleared automatically then contact the Call Centre for assistance

Possible Root Cause E30-4

Satellite tuners on the decoder faulty resulting on intermittent loss of signal

Possible Solution & Suggestions E30-4

Get the decoder (with smartcard) tested at nearest Service Centre or one of Multichoice accredited agencies. If decoder is faulty, solution would be to have the decoder sent in for repairs

Possible Root Cause  E30-4

Smartcard not addressable with the head-end command (could be due to faulty smartcard reader or faulty smartcard)

Possible Solution & Suggestions E30-4

Get the decoder (with smartcard) tested at nearest Service Centre or one of Multichoice accredited agencies. Solution could be to replace the decoder and/or smartcard with the latest version

Possible Root Cause E30-4

Smartcard not addressable with the head-end commands (could be due to outdated patch level on smartcard as a result of such smartcard falling outside of the addressable date code window). Some of these smartcards are still in retail and therefore not getting required updates

Possible Solution & Suggestions E30-4

If patch level is not updating via satellite as expected, then the next option is to contact the Call Centre and see if the date code cannot be updated over the air. Alternatively have such decoders (with smartcard) tested at nearest Service Centre or one of Multichoice accredited agencies

Possible Root Cause E30-4

Play-out related issues on the head-end (e.g. could be due to decoder failing to lock to a transport stream due to changes done on that transport stream)

Possible Solution & Suggestions E30-4

If it is from the decoder side a “reset to factory defaults” is expected to resolve. If not, then it could be that it needs to be resolved from the play-out side

Possible Root Cause E30-4

Incorrect EMM PID e.g. “ffff” (a rare case, however if it happens it could have an impact on EMM reception). The EMM PID is currently defined as “0x500”

Possible Solution & Suggestions E30-4

This is expected especially in cases where decoder has moved from one network to another. Network scan or reset to factory defaults should be enough to resolve this

Error Code : E31-0 We are confirming your subscription [Source: DStv HD 5/4137]


We are confirming your subscription. This may take a few minutes


✓ Leave the decoder on to establish a connection to the satellite for the error to be cleared or Call the helpline for assistance

Error Code :E32-4 Viewing is temporarily blocked, please stay tuned


The viewer is not entitled to watch this service because surf locking is active


✓ E32-4 unable to view this channel, is a temporary anti-piracy measure to block customer from

viewing to protect the control key. The error is expected when the decoder boot-up or when user

changes channel at a quick rate which is regarded suspicious.

✓ Leave the decoder connected to the signal to receive ECM from playout. Don’t use remote for an

uninterrupted 3 minutes.

✓ Quad0 product is required to be sent if the error does not automatically get cleared. In short call the helpline for assistance

Error Code : E33 -4 Channel is currently scrambled


We are confirming your subscription. This may take a few minutes.


✓ Leave the decoder on to establish a connection to the satellite for the error to be cleared or Call the helpline for assistance

Error Code : E37-32: Service does not exist [Chanel Entitlement]


The channel is not available in the list of services and therefore cannot be viewed. This message is seen when trying to tune to a service using a channel number. It may display because of the invalid country specified in the smartcard


✓ Please ensure that the country code specified for the smartcard is correct or valid.

Error Code : E38-32: Service is not running [Channel Entitlement]


The channel is not available in the list of services for that country as specified in the smartcard


✓ This could be because of the service being removed or discontinued or reserved for later.

Error Code : E43-32: Channel not allowed in this country [Channel Entitlement]


This error indicates that a channel is not allowed in a specific country as indicated in the smartcard. This means the information in the smartcard does not match information in the service descriptor table from the playout side.

Error Code : E44-32: No Event Information


This error means that the event information for the channel tuned to is not available and there is parental guidance set


✓ Please enter the correct PIN (if known) or wait for event information to be updated. Also, check if the signal cables are properly connected.

Error Code : E45-32: Service not allowed


This error message indicates that the channels (on a specific transport stream) are blocked for viewing from the playout side

Error Code : E50-32 No Services available


An attempt is made to change to a service list of a type (e.g. TV, Audio) and there are no services of that type available in the bouquet


✓ Each smartcard will contain products which are used to build a service list (also known as My Channels), if an E50 is experienced it means that there are no products on card and/or there are no services (TV/Audio) exist in that bouquet.

Error Code : E100-4 Currently unable to view this channel.


The viewer is not entitled to watch this service because the date code on the card has gone backwards


✓ The message is expected to clear once the date code has been updated to the current one.

Error Code : E101-4 Currently unable to view this channel.


The viewer is not entitled to watch this service because the sector number in the ECM playout is not on the Smart Card.


✓ Products failed to load on the smartcard because there is no sector created on the smartcard. Call the Helpline for assistace

Error Code : E101-29 No MSK [Session Management]


No Master Session Key


✓ The customer is unable to record or playback a recorded item from the playlist. This could be due to some corruption in the decoder memory that resulted in the MSK missing.

✓ Confirm that the decoder is using valid “latest” software by confirming the load version. If load version is indicated as L:0, then the addition of MSK will be temporary and after a reboot the decoder may lose MSK again.

Error Code E102-29 No Subscription


MSK ECM Processing failure due to PVR Product mismatch, PVR Pkey mismatch, or card not in


✓ This means that PVR product (PVR0) is missing from the smartcard or there is product mismatch. ✓ Re-auth (or E16 digital reset or CA special command) is expected to resolve this.

Error Code : Error: E106


This decoder does not belong to this network. The customer may have bought the decoder in another country on a different schema. E.g. customer bought the decoder in Zimbabwe and brought it over to use in South Africa


✓ Please contact your nearest MultiChoice branch or retailer where they bought the decoder to return the decoder.

Error Code : E107-4: The smart card is not fully authorized


The error indicates that the smartcard and decoder are not matched or paired. This error is applicable on secured silicone decoders such as the 1xx series decoders and HDPVR’s


✓ The decoder and smartcard need to be paired. If successful, the message should disappear from the TV screen

Error Code : E120-4 Please wait, while the card is being synchronized.


The card is synchronizing the timestamp with the system


✓ This error message is expected to display when the timestamp in the smartcard is not synchronized with the play-out and usually occurs on reboot. The error goes hand in hand with the E133-4 error, most of the time. This error may also occur if there are problems with the fibre link or satellite link and scramblers failure, and this may affect more than one  customer at a time. The error may also be because of decoder failure to read the smartcard or decoder tuner related or poor signal issues and this may not affect many customers at once. ✓ If more than one subscriber is affected by an E120-4 at any given point in time (and verified that it is not installation or faulty decoder, or faulty smartcard related), then call the helpline for assistance

Error Code : E133-4 Currently unable to view this channel.


The viewer is not entitled to watch this service because the ECM timestamp expired


✓ This error message is expected to display when the timestamp in the smartcard is not synchronized with the play-out and usually occurs on reboot. The error goes hand in hand with the E120-4 error, most of the time. This error may also occur if there are problems with the fibre link or satellite link and scramblers failure, and this may affect more than one customer at a time. The error may also be because of decoder failure to read the smartcard or decoder tuner related or poor signal issues and this may not affect many customers at once.

✓ If more than one subscriber is affected by an E133-4 at any given point in time (and verified that it is not installation or faulty decoder, or faulty smartcard related), then call the helpline for assistance

Error Code : E143-4 Please wait.

If the problem persists, insert the secondary card into the primary decoder to continue viewing with the secondary decoder


Home Gateway Proximity Control HNA timer expired on the smartcard. No descrambling


✓ This error message is expected to display there is a problem with heartbeat transmission or communication from the primary to the secondary decoder.

✓ The error message can be because of loose connection on the heartbeat cable. It can also be because of poor installation, so one needs to ensure there is adequate signal strength and quality on both primary and secondary decoders.

Possible Root Cause  E143-4

Poor installation on the primary decoder side

Possible Solution & Suggestions E143-4

Check signal strength and quality on applicable tuners depending on the model

Possible Root Cause  E143-4

Poor installation between the primary and secondary i.e. faulty heartbeat cable, splitters, tv link, etc.

Possible Solution & Suggestions E143-4

Heartbeat cable can also result in an intermittent E143 error message, the RF connectors can also go faulty. Other peripherals such as splitters and TV link may also result in an invalid heartbeat. We also recommend that an independent heartbeat cable is used to avoid other peripherals interfering with the heartbeat cable

Possible Root Cause E143-4

E143 due to external interferences

Possible Solution & Suggestions E143-4

In this case, the heartbeat is lost at specific times all the time, it may not be every day depending on the activities but at least at the same times. For this one we need to look for patterns, what time, what are the activities around that time, what gets switched on around that time. There is not a one-way remedy for this type of problems but worth trying different locations for the decoders, if possible. Some of the typical examples of the source of interference could be LCD Backlights, fluorescent lamps which may also be switched to see if this makes a difference

Possible Root Cause E143-4

Faulty communication ports on either the primary or the secondary decoder

Possible Solution & Suggestions E143-4

Difficult to see at once if the communication port is faulty unless it is tested. It is advisable to try a different communication i.e. RF In/RF Out. If all has been checked then replacing the decoder may be the last resort

Error Code : E144-4: Wrong Home Network


The smartcard is invalid for the network since it is already active. In other words, the decoder contains the history of another smartcard which was paired with it before the swap occurred and that smartcard and decoder were in a XtraView set-up


✓ Replace the smartcard and re-activate the XtraView.

✓ Applicable if the customer brought in both primary and secondary decoders (with their smartcards) to the Service Centre/Agency and the primary decoder is on “ready but inactive” status.

  • Remove the XtraView network (Break the link) so that each decoder is a standaloneunit.
  • Do a smart card swap on the smart card in the decoder, with the E-144. Use theSWAP command in Clarity.
  • Redo the XtraView setup and link the decoder as per the usual procedure.
  • Confirm that the correct smart cards are reported in the HGPC status of each decoder.
  • Confirm the secondary decoder in the XtraView setup


There is a command to “clear all” the XtraView history on the decoders which is still not yet implemented on HDPVR’s

Error Code : E600 The decoder is not yet enabled to view this service


The smartcard is invalid for the network since it is already active. In other words, the decoder contains the history of another smartcard which was paired with it before the swap occurred and that smartcard and decoder were in a XtraView set-up


✓ Replace the smartcard and re-activate the XtraView.