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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Error Code : E16 / E32


The customer does not have entitlements to view a GOtv service. Either their subscription has lapsed or they were disconnected for a long time or they missed part of the activation command.


send a reset message to your decoder using your mobile or call the helpline or use the gotv self service app

Error Code : E17 / E600


The customer has not yet received his activation command


Call in using the help line for the service to reconnected or send a reset message to your decoder using your mobile or call the helpline or use the gotv self service app

Error Code : E30


The customer has had their GOtv box unplugged for a while


Either wait 5 min after subscription or send a reset a reset message to your decoder using your mobile or call the helpline or use the gotv self service app

Error Code : E66-32


The customer does not have an active package on their account


If subscription is already paid, send a reset a reset message to your decoder using your mobile or call the helpline or use the gotv self service app . Otherwise, activate a package or pay subscription for the error to be cleared

Error Code : E48-32


Poor Signal. The decoder is not receiving a good enough signal to present video / picture


Fix the signal by adjusting the the antenna to boost signal strenght. Make sure the antenna power is OFF. Antenna should be outside the house above the roof and signal strenght shouble above 70 for the error to be cleared

Error Code : i38


Service Not Running. This may be experienced on the community broadcasters' channels - it's a flag they set when they stop broadcasting for the night


There is nothing to be done to recover apart from waiting untill the channel starts broadcasting again