Love, Life & Relationships

Monday, March 03, 2025

Now, if you're a guy, chances are you've encountered a lot of women who just keep playing all these games. You're seriously looking for love, and yet you can't seem to figure out what exactly this woman is up to. In this video, I'll be telling you the real reasons why women play hard to get with nobody else but you.

Plus, I will also be telling you what you need to do when the women in your life are behaving like this. Keep reading. So today, let's talk about let's jump right in.

Let's decipher this whole girl code. I mean, why do women play hard to get? Why do they do that? What exactly are they looking for? And why can't they just go straight to the point they're either interested in you or they're not? Or are we missing something? Now, one thing I know for sure is sometimes it's on purpose. They do that deliberately.

On other days, it's subconscious, and it's very important. The onus is actually on. You the man to figure out between the two, like, whether she's doing this purposely or unintentionally.

The reason why you need to know this is it actually sort of informs what kind of path you need to take when it comes to handling this situation and getting what you want out of this woman who is your love interest. So why do women play hard to get? Really? Why do they do that? There are a couple of reasons I can think about. First and foremost, they just might be taking time to see your intentions, to feel it out, to see if you're being genuine or this is just another one of your conquests, your escapades.

Right. Women do that when they're not too sure, right? They're not too sure, and they want to just sort of figure you out. So bear that in mind.

And if indeed that's what a woman is doing, then it means that you need to be a little more open and let your intentions be known quite clearly just to ensure that at least she knows you're not playing any games. Number two, she might also be keeping her options open. Yeah.

So chances are, if you've seen this girl and you really like her, there are another 3456. And if she's really physically attractive, like a whole bunch of guys who are looking for her attention. And so just like you would, she needs to just take her time and make sure that, okay, I'm going for the best guy possible, considering my situation, where I want to go, who I want to be with, the kind of future and family I want to have.

So, literally, she's putting all of you shoulder to shoulder and assessing everybody in her little blue book. Okay? And you can't fault women for that. At the end of the day, it's a human thing.

Everybody wants the best for themselves, right? So if she's playing hard to get, chances are there's another guy, another love interest, another potential partner jogging on the sidelines, waiting to get her approval and her attention as well. And who knows, maybe if this drags out a little bit more, it could mean that you guys are actually really good contenders where the differences between the two of you are really small. And so it's taking her a longer and harder time to actually come to a decision that will be beneficial to her.

Three, there are some women who simply love the chase and love the attention that comes with playing hard to get, right? Because if she gives in first day, you say, hey, can we date? Where's the fun in that? She wants to play these little games like, oh, you didn't call me today. Mad at you just to see how you react. She wants to.

And some women are like that. They're just really playful. And so if you're someone who doesn't have time, you don't believe in women dragging things out, then I'm sorry, but you might lose interest, like, really, really fast, and that could make you perhaps lose out on a really beautiful relationship that could have flourished if you had pursued a little bit more.

So for a lot of women, it's just the attention. It's to see how long you can stay interested and that kind of thing. And you shouldn't take it to heart.

It's just games women play. Now, this is something that you hear a lot growing up as a woman, that if you give in to a man too early, you come across as cheap. And I'm sure you guys may have heard girls talk about it, and in your head you're like, what? How is it even the same, right? You can't blame a lot of women.

A lot of women or girls are brought up to think and to feel as if they need to put themselves on a pedestal, whether they belong there or not. And I kind of sort of agree to some extent that everybody has their own value or everybody sees themselves in a certain light, okay? Even when you go to a market, right, you bargain. If someone tells you, oh, you go to the market and they tell you the price of this item is, say, $10, you could just look at them and say, okay, you know what? I'll give you five, and then you guys haggle until you end up at seven, right? So it's kind of like that where a woman doesn't want to be seen as cheap, and so she will drag this thing out sometimes unnecessarily, and forgive us for doing that because it's just the way a lot of us were brought up, and you can't blame us too much for just executing strategy in the girl code.

Given too early, you're cheap. It's just as simple as that. I have my own thoughts about that, and I feel like the older a woman gets, the more she knows what she wants.

And so if you're the guy she wants, she doesn't waste too much time straight away, you can literally jump into a relationship. Today, however, when you're younger, you're yet to experience life. You're yet to sort of discover yourself.

And so you drag this thing out a little bit more just to let the guy feel like, yeah, you can't have me so easily. You need to work for me because I'm a queen. You understand? I'm a queen.

Treat me like a queen. Okay. And another thing I can think about when it comes to why women play hard to get is because they like to feel that they are in control of the situation.

They don't want to just jump into a guy's arms the minute he says, hey, baby, I think you're really cool. I'd like to date you, I'd like to see how far this goes kind of thing. So they want to feel like they're in control.

They're the ones managing the relationship, dictating the pace. It gives them some kind of or it gives us some kind of security in a weird kind of way. All right, so these are some of the reasons why women play hard to get that you need to take note of.

Now, if you're a guy who has no patience, then, I'm sorry. As soon as she starts to exhibit any of these features, chances are you would just walk away, right? You just say, you know what? I've not got time for that. Plenty of fish in the sea.

Right? However, if you really like this girl, chances are you would be seeing a little bit of all these characteristics I just pointed out, and it should never be a reason for you to sort of give up on a potential love that could have been so great. All right, so now let me tell you what you need to do if the woman that you're interested in is playing hard to get. A few pointers I'd like you to take note of.

Okay? Grab a pen. So, like I said in the beginning, right, if this woman is playing hard to get, make sure that you know that she's truly interested in you and is indeed just playing that game as opposed to her not being interested. Now, there have been several occasions where I've had certain guys tell me that you're dragging this out too much.

I know you really like me, but the truth was, I could not be bothered. I did not have any ayata of feelings towards this guy, and I wasn't even trying to play hard to get. He just was reading me wrong.

And it can be really, really be annoying if you say no to a guy several times and he keeps coming back. It's like, Dude, can't you get the message? And then there's that whole other bunch of guys who just wouldn't stop are so persistent, right? They wouldn't stop when you say no. So you need to be really careful with this.

As you can come across as annoying, she'll start to avoid you completely, and even a chance of friendship will be really difficult. They're guys like that. So take note.

Now, also, if she's playing hard to get, it's time for you to start putting in a little more effort than you're currently doing. Maybe she's playing hard to get because she still can't make up her mind. Give her reasons to make up her mind, you know what I mean? Or she's playing hard to get because she feels like, oh, I don't want to be cheap.

Make her feel like she is your prized asset. If indeed you're serious about this girl and you really want to take things to the next level, it works. Women want to feel like you actually really need them, right? And they want to feel like you're queen, you're everything.

So if that's what they want, give it to them. Smother them with love if that's what it takes. Don't overdo it, though, because some of you can come across as, like, really creepy.

I'm just saying, right. Also, if she's playing hard to get, you might also want to play hard to get, too. Now, careful how you approach this, though, because it can completely backfire.

Now, here's what I'm saying. Let's say you're the one who's always initiating the call, okay? Always the one calling, always the one checking up on her kind of thing, and she's giving you this standoffish thing. Not to say that she's not interested, but she's just never available to you.

Maybe you should make yourself a little scarce, right? Pull away for a couple of days and see if she reaches out to you. If she does not, then chances are she never really was interested from the get go, and you're totally wasting your time. And so, once again, going back to the first pointer, it's important that you know that she's actually playing the game and is not actually disinterested or uninterested, right? So, yeah, I mean, really play hard to get, too, if she's being some sort of type away, like, you're a king too, right? You're a king, too.

So beat her at her game. She's playing hard to get. You play hard to get, but just know it can completely backfire.

And finally, if all else fails, approach her with grace. Just lay your cards on the table, because I foresee some men out there who just don't have time for games. Like, I'm too old for this.

So just approach her and say, hey, babe, I think you're a great woman. I really would want a woman like you by my side. You're the best thing that ever happened to me.

And I would like to see where this relationship goes, if you don't mind. Lay your cards on the table and let her also come straight to you and say, well, yeah, I'm interested or not. And besides, if at this point she's been playing hard to get for a while, you could say, hey, I'm getting a lot of mixed signals from you, but I want to know if this is actually the relationship I should bother pursuing.

I would appreciate it if you just save me time and energy. If you're not interested, that's fine. It will hurt me because I feel like you're the woman of my dreams.

But hey, I can't force love, so spare me some heartaches. Just let me know if this is going to happen or not. Lay your cards on the table and you should be good to go.

So here we are. I hope you found this article insightful and helpful.