Love, Life & Relationships

Monday, March 03, 2025

Hello there, and good to see you. So, unfortunately, we live in a world where people are just dishonest, right? You might give your 110 when it comes to a relationship, whilst your partner does like the barest minimum. And unfortunately, there are quite a number of people who find themselves on that end of the spectrum of things.

And if you do not take care, you're going to be shortchanging yourself and just settling for less when you could have a really meaningful relationship where love is reciprocated, where people want to be with you and not out of pity or for other not so great reasons. And so if you are reading this article, I'm going to be sharing with you a couple of signs and things that you can look out for. Really unmistakable signs.

I must say that your woman is seeing someone else, or there's someone else in the picture. You're not the only guy in her life.

All right, so let's jump into the signs, the unmistakable signs that your woman is seeing someone. If you're in doubt, well, hopefully by the end of this article, I will clear some of that doubt for you.

Let's jump right in. Number one, she takes calls in private. What's the big secret is a question I would ask myself.

I mean, think about it. You're dating someone, and yet for some reason, whenever they get a call, they have to get up and go to the next room. Whenever they receive a text message, they're making sure that you cannot see their screen.

Or maybe even worse, they have a privacy screen. Now, there's nothing wrong with a privacy screen in itself, because, yeah, it keeps nosy people at bay. The only other thing is, when this person is hiding a little more than usual, the privacy screen can just begin to cause a whole lot of suspicion and mistrust when it comes to relationships.

So you weigh the options as to whether you want to do that or not. But basically, if she's always getting up to go and talk to somebody in the other room or can't seem to take conversations or calls in your presence, her phone is always on airplane mode. There might be something there.

I'm not saying that straight away she's cheating, but just begin to pay a little more attention. Because if you notice a trend and you realize that this has become like an everyday thing, then I'm sorry, she might be taking you for granted, and there might be another person in her life that is taking precedence over everything else. Number two, she guards her phone like it's holding national secrets.

Now, listen, she goes to the bathroom, phones with her. She goes to the kitchen, phones with her. She goes into the shower, the phone is with her.

And this is not just like even a thing for just women, but men as well. You know what you do if you're cheating and you don't want anybody to get access to your phone? It's just what cheaters do, okay? It's just what cheaters do. And I believe that if people have nothing to hide, they will not be so guarded where their phone is concerned.

I mean, after all, it's just a device, right? It should not matter whether you receive ten calls on it or just one daily, but if there just seems to be a lot of secrecy behind your phone and everything that has to do with your phone, if it rings and you're even in the shower and you've got soap in your eyes and you have to come out to literally pick the phone or answer the call by yourself because you don't want your partner to get access to it, then it means there's something off. It's not rocket science. This article is merely to let you know that, no, it's not just you being extra.

It's actually a thing. If she's doing that and she's guarding her phone two, four, seven, not letting it breathe, it's like in her pocket. Even when she's with you all the time in her bag, wherever, and you just can't seem to get access to it, even if it's for something as basic as, oh, I don't seem to have a signal.

Can I use your phone? And she's like, no, you can't use my phone. Why not? That's the big question. All right, so there we go.

Number three, you've called her lying about little things, so maybe she'll tell you something like, I'm going to be home this weekend. I'm not doing anything else, right? And then you call her later in the night and she's out with her friends. She couldn't tell you.

It just seemed so oh, it was a spare of the moment thing. Yeah, but she could not tell you as your girlfriend, she could not come clean to let you know that plans had changed. And this happens, like, on a regular once again, like I said, these things could happen once a while, but when they become a regular feature, that's where the problem actually starts, right? Does she tell you that she's going to one place and then days later, when you ask about that specific place or that specific event, she tells you that, oh, no, she wasn't at that event.

She was at another one. Let me tell you, this is one easy way for you to really discover a liar, right? Because they've told so many lies that they're trying to keep up with the lies that they keep telling. It's like, you tell one lie, and then you have to tell another one to cover up that lie.

Liars just sometimes lose track because it's like they tell little fibs to not just you, but possibly to the other guy when she's coming to you, she has to tell a lie to him. When she's going to him, she has to tell a lie to you. So basically, she's just lying to every other guy out there.

And after a while, it just gets really hard to keep up with those lies. Number four, she doesn't want you to come to her place. Is it seemingly strange that you've been dating this woman for so long, and yet you can't just easily walk into her house or say, hey, I was in the neighborhood.

Let me pass by and see how she was doing? That might be because there is someone else in her life. And if you pull any, I don't know, random moves, you're going to catch her doing something that she shouldn't be doing. And so she makes sure that she has been able to keep you thinking that it's okay for you to not just randomly show up at her house.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that you can also just get up and show up at someone's house because you're dating them. I feel in today's day and age, we have access to technology, right? And so you could just pick up a phone and say, hey, I'm outside, or, hey, I'd like to come over for a little bit.

Do you mind if I come at this time? That kind of thing. Or if you really are suspicious, then you can pull a fast one on her and just show up and see what you find. She may not be too happy with you, but at least you would have satisfied your curiosity as to whether there's another person in the picture, reason why she's been acting so shady.

And then there's the extreme end of this conversation where you don't even know where she lives. Like, you guys started a relationship. You've been dating for weeks, maybe a month, and she knows your place, she knows where you live, but you don't know where she lives.

And every single time you've asked to visit her, there's always an excuse. Meanwhile, you know that maybe this girl doesn't even maybe live with her parents. So it's not a matter of, oh, I have strict parents, so stay away.

Right? It's more, yeah, one excuse after the other, why you cannot come over. That's definitely suspicious. And for me, it's a huge sign that there may be someone else in the picture.

Get this, though. Even if she has strict parents, think about it. Is she never going to get married? Is she never going to bring someone home? At some point, she's going to have to do that.

Question is, how many guys have already been there how many guys has she already taken home and introduced to her parents? Maybe you're the side guy, the reason why she's not able to take you into her space. Number five, she doesn't want to be friends on social media. Now I know some people are big on keeping their privacy and I respect that there are people who don't want to put the people they really care about out there on social media because social media is a really weird place.

Like you tag a friend and suddenly you have hundreds of people going to follow that friend more out of curiosity of getting to know who you are, right? People are just nosy and they like to get into people's business. So I get it when people say they do not do the whole social media thing. But really, if you are someone that means a lot to her, someone that she's going to take really seriously, why can she not add you as a friend? You don't have to post my pictures or anything, just add me as a friend so at least I can see your status updates.

I don't even have to comment. I can see your pictures that you post and that kind of thing. But when your woman is being very guarded about her social media pages, doesn't want to add you as a friend because if she adds you as a friend, other people will notice that you guys have friends and problems will begin to arise.

Question you should ask yourself is who's going to be kicking up that storm? Which guy is going to be raising issue with the fact that she has befriended you on social media? I'm saying it's okay to be private, but don't take things at face value and don't be too quick to believe everything a woman would say because sometimes, just sometimes, things aren't what they seem. Number six, when you go out, you're always going to the unpopular places or the secret hideouts. For some reason, she never wants to go to these popular places where everybody else seems to hang out.

And for me it's not by chance, you know. It's because when she goes to these places, she's most likely going to bump into these other people that she's probably cheating on you with, right? It's a popular place that's where they regularly hang out and so she can't take you there. So she'll decline every offer for you to hang out in these popular places.

And instead she'll always rather suggest that you guys go maybe out of town or into some secluded obscure hangout, that there is a zero chance of any of her friends or other boyfriends discovering you guys at. And that's something you should absolutely look into and ask questions. Why? Really talk to her and find out why she doesn't like to hang out in the places where everybody else does because it makes no sense whatsoever.

And especially if she has nothing to hide. And finally, she's super suspicious of you. Now, let me tell you something, right? Sometimes when people are guilty of certain things, they project that guilt onto you.

So she knows she's juggling more than one man. So when it seems like you're courting or entertaining other women, she takes it from zero straight to 100. Because she claims that you cannot be trusted to hang out with the women that you hang out with.

You know, in your heart of hearts, you've never given her any reason to feel some type of way about it or to feel guilty about it, or to feel like she can't trust you, right? But for some reason, she just doubts every single thing you do. When people begin to do that, and especially for no reason, at least from where you sit, it's because they're guilty of something. It's because they're perpetuating the same things that they're accusing you of.

It's like reverse psychology. If she talks about it enough, you begin to believe and buy into that as well. And so you constantly are going to stay guarded while she goes out there and just flirts with every other guy, every other Tom, Dick and Harry.

So, yeah, just top of mind, these are a couple of the signs that I think you can definitely look out for to know whether your woman is seeing another guy. And hopefully you can advise yourself so you can have something worthwhile and more enjoyable with someone who actually wants to be with you. Now, in all of this, I would say trust your gut, because you're hardly ever wrong.

If you just feel like something is off, something does not add up. Her excuses are not tenable. It might be time to really dig deeper and ask questions that will give you the answers that you're looking for.

Big question is though, that if you do find those answers and you realize that you're not the only guy in her life, what are you willing to do next? Think about it.