Love, Life & Relationships

Monday, March 03, 2025

So, you know, a lot of guys are unlucky with women not because women despise them, but because they actually get a couple of things wrong when it comes to women. And, you know, once a woman becomes wary of you, it becomes an uphill task to try to get her to look your way ever again.

And that's why you guys need to avoid these mistakes.

So, yeah, as I already said, we're going to jump right in into huge mistakes men make that drive women away. Now, if you're one of those guys who've never been successful when it comes to women or just generally when it comes to love, there may be a few things, a few signals that you're putting out there that actually turn out to be huge turnoffs for the opposite sex. Hopefully, by the end of this video, I'll be able to highlight a few for you, and you can begin to work your way towards being more successful when it comes to women.

So if you're ready and I'm sure you are. I'm sure you are. Let's jump right in. Number one.

Number one is being in a hurry to start a relationship, and this is a really common thing. You can meet a guy within minutes, and the next thing he's saying is, I love you. Now, no woman's going to take you serious if you do that. Do not be in a hurry to profess love to a woman you just met 2 seconds ago.

What's wrong with you? No, seriously, that is the biggest turn off when it comes to women. And if you ask me, if you're looking for the fastest way to get a girl to run the other way and never look your way again is to utter those words, I love you after meeting her a short while ago. A day is too short.

Two days are too short. Three days are too short. Listen, I'm not saying that there's nothing like love at first sight.

You can actually go ahead and feel all the love that you want to, but I'm just saying that keep it to yourself until you fully understand what it is you're feeling full. You know, it could be infatuation and not even love. Plus, if you're too quick to blurt those words out, you leave the girl wondering if you do that to every other girl you meet.

And you do not, I repeat, you do not want to create that impression that that's the kind of guy you are. Even if you are, I'm just saying. So don't be too quick to jump into a relationship.

Don't be too quick to utter those words. I love you. It's the biggest turn off in the book.

Number two, being overly possessive. All right, now, how do I break this down? Lots of women don't like men who just won't allow them to be allow them to function, allow them to be themselves. Always keep this at the back of your mind.

Before you met this girl, she had her own life going, all right? And to be honest, you both have to make or create a space to accommodate each other in your life should you decide to get into a relationship. So it's rather disconcerting when you meet a guy today, you start dating, and then within a month, the guy's trying to own you. And I think it's sort of like vice versa.

No one likes it when people are trying to sort of tell them what to do all the time. Try to be in their business. Two, four, seven, when you love someone, give them the benefit of the doubt.

Give them space. If they prove you wrong, it's a completely different conversation. But I believe that you always need to give your partner a little bit of space to function, to reason, to just be, to hang out with other people apart from you, because the last thing you want to be is clingy.

Clinginess is never a good sign, and any serious woman will walk the other way as soon as you start to do that. So cut out with the whole possessiveness thing and don't think that, yeah, she's so pretty, all the guys are going to be hitting on her, and so I'm going to keep her under my wing. Basically, she's not an ornament. She's another human being who needs to breathe to function, just like you do.

Number three, talking about your ex, man, like, it's okay if you guys just started out on the relationship. And maybe you're talking about the fact that, hey, you had this crazy ex who just wouldn't let you be and that kind of thing, it's okay to talk about your ex in terms of just going down the whole line of full disclosure when it comes to the person you're dating.

However, when this becomes a constant thing where you're also comparing this current girlfriend or this girl you're interested in to your ex, and it's just my ex was this and my ex was that. It could go both ways. Look at it this way.

Maybe you could be praising your ex, which would make your current girlfriend feel like, okay, what am I, chopped liver. Like I'm not good enough for you. You're here telling me about your ex and praising this ex all the time.

If she was so good for you, why did you leave? Right? Or you could be putting your ex down. Now, in my mind, it's also telling me that one day if I happen to be on your bad side and I ever become an ex, I should expect you to also be putting me down in front of people. So you want to be moderate about it? Yes.

Maybe along the lines, as I already said, of full disclosure, you can go in and say, okay, so I dated this woman. We dated for four years. It didn't work out due to differences, and that's where it ends.

And as far as I'm concerned, anything else beyond that is really pushing it. Unless, of course, this woman wants to know specific answers to her questions about this mysterious ex. I do not think that you necessarily have to volunteer information and so often that it actually becomes a problem.

Number four is being stingy. Now, of course, I can't talk about things that drive or chase women away if I do not honestly talk about being stingy or selfish. Nobody likes stingy or selfish people.

It's better to give than to receive. And I know women tend to fall in this habit of thinking that they're always the ones who are supposed to be receiving stuff from guys or just be on the receiving end generally. And I personally think it's something that needs to change.

However, I'm not saying just go out there and splurge on this woman that you love, but I'm saying if you can assist, please do. And the use of the word stingy in this case isn't really in terms of like, monetary issues, you know what I mean? It could be stingy in sharing of information, sharing of food, sharing of clothing, sharing of anything. If you're just downright stingy, you want everything to be about you.

You then of course this woman's going to be turned off by it and sorry, you're going to end up pretty much alone. And this kind of goes for both sexes. It's not just a man thing. But since I'm addressing you guys, well, I might as well just throw it to you. All right, number five.

Number five. You push for intimacy too soon. Now, there are some guys who and I get it. Maybe she's gorgeous and your loins are always activated when you see her.

I get that. I understand that sometimes there's so much sexual tension that it actually gets really difficult for you to control yourself. However, there's so much respect in a guy who feels everything and yet is able to tame his lions.

If you ask me, the best way to approach something like that is to actually let the woman be the one who initiates, because then you know for sure that she's ready for you. She wants this and she's ready to give herself to you. But if you're a guy who's constantly pushing for intimacy or sex, I'm sorry, over time, she's going to start to feel as if that's the only reason why you're actually in a relationship with her.

And chances are she's already been down that road with a couple of other guys who, as soon as they got intimate, walked the other way. You want to be different. Look, there's so many ways to right. Without actually doing it. So good luck with that, good luck with that. Thank me later.

Number six. Number six not being straightforward. Now, nobody wants to be with someone they can't predict or someone they can't rely on. Reliability is really essential when it comes to the game of women. Now, if you say you're going to be there, be there. If you say you're going to do something, do it.

Once she begins to question your dedication or commitment to the relationship you're in, you're actually going to be in trouble and she's going to start looking out for other guys who will give her what she wants, that steady kind of support and love that she's looking for. You cannot afford to be a man who says one thing and does the other. It's called integrity.

And so I'd recommend that you work on your integrity such that when you say something's going to happen, it actually does, and you actually go above and beyond to make things happen as you say they will.

And finally, timidity or being a talkative. So it's like two extremes. You want to find a really nice balance. Nobody wants a guy who's timid. It's a big turn off.

Guys are expected to be out there and confident and boisterous and just go getters right. And so when you find a guy who is the exact opposite of the stereotype, sometimes it's hard to take them seriously. All right, so you don't want to be timid.

You actually want to find a nice middle ground where your confidence shines through. On the other hand, you also don't want to be too much of a talkative. And I know there are people who generally like to talk right about anything and everything, and that's okay.

There's nothing particularly wrong with that. But once again, you need to hold your horses a little bit, because if you're also a guy who's just like, blabbing blabbing. Yeah, she's just going to dance her way out of your way.

Nobody likes talkatives. They avoid them like a plague. Do not be one of those.

Find a nice middle ground and you should be good to go. I hope that these seven mistakes are ones that you will avoid to help you be a little more successful with women the next time around.