DStv | GOtv

Saturday, February 22, 2025

visit the dstv now website  now.dstv.com

log in if you are an exisiting user or create an account if you are a first time user

after logging in if you are a first time user you will be immediately asked to link your dstv now account to dstv decoder

click th link button, enter you decoder smartcard, a 4 digit pin will be sent to the phone number you registered your decoder with, enter it and you decoder will be successfuly linked

log out of the account/website and log back in for the channels your decoder is subscribed to to start populating

after here you can login into the app on your phone to start streaming on your phone

if you are an existing who is trying to replace an old smartcard with another smartcard that is currently in use

login to your account using the website now.dstv.com

click on the down pointing arrow in the top right corner of the website

select update signin details

select dstv package

select unlink dstv package

enter your new smartcard that you want to use

a 4 digit pin will be sent to the phone number you registered your decoder with, enter it and your decoder/smartcard will be successfuly linked

log out of the account/website and log back in for the channels your decoder is subscribed to to start populating

and that it, thats how you link dstv decoder to phone