Love, Life & Relationships

Monday, March 03, 2025

How to know if you're the only guy she's talking to. Now, sometimes it's hard to know if you're the only guy. Honestly, it's really tough to read her mind to find out what she wants.

Luckily, there are a few signs, though, that can help you decide for sure if this relationship is worth pursuing or letting go of altogether. In today's article, hopefully, I will be able to elaborate on some of these things.

All right, so how do you really get into the minds of women to know that you are the only guy that she's actually talking to or whether there are actually other men lurking in the shadows trotting on the sidelines? Number one, her texts and calls are quite frequent.

Now, the first sign that you've been or you are the only guy she's interested in is the fact that she texts and calls you quite often. You'll notice that there are no times when she doesn't initiate contact with you. She could be calling you first thing in the morning, for instance, at noon, in the evening, before bed, and any other time in between.

And if so happens that you're the one who even calls or texts first, she's most likely to respond within minutes and not leave you hanging for hours. Pay attention to her words, too. She could give you a pet name or tell you that she loves being able to talk to you about anything and everything, and you're her go to person.

All of these things are signs that she has strong feelings and a connection with you. And most likely, you're the only guy she's talking to. Number two, she's making excuses to be in close proximity to you.

Now, she could be making herself available just to allow you to take her to work in the morning, for instance. She could be creating a space for nobody else but you in a lecture room. She could be telling you that basically she was contemplating going to the same place you told her you're going to be this weekend.

Now, usually all these are signs that there's something more going on than just a casual friendship where a woman is concerned. Here's a pro tip you can test her by avoiding her calls and refusing to see her for a few days to see if she'll continue to make the effort to try to get close to you. If she keeps trying to stay close or to be with you, it means that she's really, really interested.

However, if she lets you go without any issues whatsoever, then she's just your friend and nothing more. Number three you guys are on the same page about commitment. Trust me, this is one of the biggest signs that you're basically the only guy she's talking to or looking forward to be with.

Now, if she knows what kind of commitment you want or expect from a relationship, and your thoughts really resonate with hers, and she's also busy dropping all the hints about basically her wanting the same thing, something meaningful, then you're in good standing. A quick way to figure out whether she's looking for an exclusive relationship or marriage is by just really paying attention to what she says regarding commitments, regarding love, regarding relationships, and that kind of thing. It will quickly let you into her thoughts and help you figure out her feelings and intentions.

For example, if she tells you that she's looking for something serious, then it's likely that if you're the one, she'll want to be committed to you. Also, if you guys have started spending time with each other's family she's introduced you to the cousin, the brother, the mother, then it's likely that she wants to be in a committed relationship with you long term. Number four, her social media posts seem to be directed at you.

Now, it might sound cliche, but you should pay attention to the kind of information that she shares on her social media, right? Because that will give you some good insights as to whether you're the only guy she's talking to. For example, if you see posts about, say, TV shows that you both enjoy or articles that you two like to read, then there could be something there. She might be trying to show her friends and family how close the two of you are.

And there's actually more. There are also hidden messages in some of the posts that she would put out there that you can analyze basically to decide whether she's interested in you or not. For example, without even disclosing who she's with, she might post pictures of the activities you do together.

Dinner you had the last time, just showing a picture of, say, your blood shirt and tie, for instance, with a glass of wine in focus. Now, if you observe closely, you'll see that the events that she goes to, or the pictures and articles that she posts are usually centered around something that both of you have going together. Now, if there was someone else in the picture, she wouldn't want to make it so obvious in social media that she's having fun with some other guy.

So that's a really good sign. Number five she accepts your plans right away. Now, imagine this.

You send her a text that says, hey, girl, how you doing? How about we do something fun this weekend? Right? And within minutes, she replies to you and says, sounds good. What are you thinking? Now, no matter how busy she is, if she shows that she's willing to see you or go out with you whenever you want to hang out, then that's proof that there's something more going on between you two. Or at worst, she wants something more serious and you're the only guy she's talking to.

There's this and there's the other bit where she says something like, it doesn't matter what I'm doing. Just let me know whenever you want to hang out. I'll be there.

Number six, she tries very hard to impress you. Now, one of the things that shows whether you're the only guy she's talking to is when she tries very hard to impress you in some way. This is likely to happen as soon as the two of you start dating.

And she can do it in different ways. She can give you, for instance, a special kind of gift, especially if it's something that she doesn't normally do for her friends. She could start dressing up to look prettier than normal, even if it's just a casual day or going out with you.

She could be extra nice and friendly towards you during your interactions, and there'll be no doubts in your head. She would never want you, for instance, to catch her on a bad day. For example, if you wanted to go see her at work, she could say, don't come if she doesn't feel or think like she looks her best that day.

Now, women are very interesting beings, and if she does these things, it means that she's trying hard to connect with you and to get you to like her. So pay real close attention to some of these things. Number seven, she's not afraid to get emotional and share her feelings with you.

So here's a fun fact. Most women tend to avoid having serious heart to heart conversations with guys that they're not interested in. And by this statement, I'm not referencing the women who try to ask guys for money by opening up and telling them all their problems.

I'm referencing the deeper stuff, the connection on emotional levels, the things that keep her up at night, the things that the things she tells you, not necessarily because she wants you to solve her problems, but because she just trusts you enough to take her emotions seriously and to level with her. When a woman has deeper conversations with you, this usually shows that she's comfortable telling you about her thoughts and feelings and opening up. And if she feels comfortable, there's a much bigger chance that she's feeling as close to you as she can, and you're the only guy that she's really on that kind of level with.

Number eight, she displays jealousy when other girls give you attention. Now, when a woman gets jealous, it means she feels connected to you in some way and doesn't want anyone else to have access to you. It's a common feeling.

She's also letting you know that she doesn't want you talking to other women. So if she gets jealous when another girl gets your attention via text or calls or in person, then it's likely that she's interested in you and doesn't want anyone else to steal you away. She'll never get jealous if she didn't secretly wish you were hers.

Remember that. Now, after she displays jealousy, take note of how many hours or days she stays upset with you. The more intense the jealous display could tell you exactly where you're at with her.

Don't overdo it, though, because someone will just take it as a cue to walk away from you entirely. Number nine she introduces you to friends and family. Now listen, most women don't bring every guy that they date around their friends and family.

So if she does this, then it's obvious proof that you're the one she wants to show off to the people who mean the most to her. And if this is the case, then there's a big chance that you're the only one she's taking seriously and the only one she's talking to. She's not fishing around.

Number ten, she likes giving you attention. Now, attention is a big thing for women and girls. Now, if she spends time talking to you, hanging out with you, focusing on your needs, it's proof that she's very interested.

If she gives you her full attention on a regular basis, no matter the time of day or what's going on in her life, if everything is on the back burner whenever you're around, you mean a lot to her. If she doesn't care whether you call before you show up at her house or not, you're most likely the only guy she's talking to. And you should keep that in mind.

A woman wouldn't care at all if she doesn't have any kind of feeling towards you. And depending on how much she really opens up, well, that could tell you just how serious she wants things to be. And if there are other people really lurking on the sidelines, or jogging on the sidelines and lurking in the shadows.

So here are my final thoughts. There's no hard and fast rule when it comes to dating. And remember that human beings are so diverse that none of the things that I actually say in my articles are tailor made to be 100% accurate.

Now, these tips are only to serve as some kind of a guide to give you things to consider, maybe when you're faced with certain scenarios. So be guided in your thoughts and decisions and make me believe that I can trust you to take the right decisions every single time. I wish you the best of luck, and I'll catch you in the next article.