DSTv Error Codes
And How to Clear Them
Saturday, February 22, 2025

This is similar to a “waiting for communication” error message indicating that there is a problem with the heartbeat or communication with the secondary decoder.

Check if there is no “loose” connection on the ‘heartbeat’ cable. Also check if the communication ports correspond with what is displayed on the menu screen (i.e. the XtraView set-up screen). You may also try swapping the communication ports around (in the case of a faulty port) or even swapping decoder roles i.e. primary becoming a secondary and vice versa.

I.Are both decoders XtraView compatible?

II. Are both decoders on the latest software?

III. Do both decoders have Zeta+2, Kappa smartcards or Premium smartcards?

IV. Do the XtraView menu settings correspond with the way the heartbeat cable is installed?

V. Decoder Menu should match Cable connection “Heartbeat Cable”

VI. Have you checked the heartbeat and is there communication between both decoders?

VII. “Relaying of commands” – it should be possible to change the secondary decoder from the primary side and vice versa. (if the ports are working properly with each other)